Sunday, May 24, 2020
USA PATRIOT Act Paper Free Essay Example, 2000 words
USA PATRIOT Act The USA PATRIOT Act is a legislation that was formulated to improve the ability of the US to curb terroristattacks on home soil. The Patriot Act has led to serious societal implications. It has enhanced security by granting security agencies more power to gather intelligence. It has led to unfair profiling, physical abuse and other forms of human rights abuse. Balancing security needs and individual rights is necessary. The effectiveness of the patriot act relies on the way law enforcement officers treat suspects. Keywords: patriot act, intelligence, terrorism Introduction The USA PATRIOT Act is a legislation that followed immediately after the 9/11 terror attack on American soil (Casman, 2011p. 51). Previously, the US government had focused on fighting terror by confronting nations abroad and supported other countries to fight terror within their borders. The 9/11 terror attack exposed a major weakness in the ability of the government to fight terror. In responses, the Congress came up with a law that extended the ability of government to obtain intelligence, improved information sharing between security agencies and enhance relationships between law enforcement agencies (Litt, 2013 p. We will write a custom essay sample on USA PATRIOT Act Paper or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now 313). The question whether the legislation has been effective or not is not much of a concern in this paper. The paper seeks to analyze the societal implication of USA PATRIOT Act and other legislation that put a cap on the daily movements of people. It looks at concerns related to race, the impact of technology and influence of both international and domestic tourism. Societal Implications of USA PATRIOT Act and Similar Legislature The USA PATRIOT Act has strong implications for the essential freedoms, ethnicity, and religion. The legislation has a directly attacked the civil liberties that had been part of the American society for many years. The legislation gave the security agencies the permission spy on people’s lives without permission. It gives law agencies the power to search homes, financial records and other information on the suspicion that one is involved in terrorism (The USA PATRIOT Act: : Impact on the Arab and Muslim American Community, 2004 p. 9). The presentation of proof is not mandatory. A search can be done bases on suspicion. There has been concern among civil rights activist that the act threatens the civil liberties upon which the United States of America was found. The Act has given the government too much power to access private records in the name of fighting terrorism.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Human Intelligence And The Biomedical Engineering Field
Vernor Vinge states, â€Å"I have argued above that we cannot prevent the Singularity, that its coming is an inevitable consequence of the humans natural competitiveness and the possibilities inherent in technology.†Technological singularity is on the verge of having a massive breakthrough but are we ready for what it brings? Raymond Kurzweil, an American author, believes that singularity will emerge in 2045. Technological singularity is an event in which artificial intelligent machines go beyond human intelligence and have the possibility to redesign themselves. Scientific development and enhancement is in our daily lives. The concept of creating intelligent machines was almost deemed impossible but in the last decade, researchers and scientists have shown beyond doubt that creating intelligent machines is possible. These artificial intelligent machines produce potential benefits and problems in the biomedical engineering field, a field where scientists should not continue to work to on due to the dangers this field poses. In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, an inspired man by the name of Victor Frankenstein believed that he could create new life. Victor had excessive self pride and had an idea that he could create this perfect creation of a human that would obey his every command. Once Frankenstein accomplishes his goal and creates new life, his creation looks more like a colossal brute. â€Å"His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath†¦hisShow MoreRelatedTheoretical And Conceptual Of Computer Science1528 Words  | 7 PagesComputer Science is not just the study of computer software and computational problems. It comprises the investigation of imitation and natural manifestations. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Emma and Clueless- Text and Context Free Essays
Ideas about the human condition can transcend time and expressed through different contexts while reflecting society’s changing values. Emma, written by Jane Austen reaffirms and challenges the conservative society of 19th century England, where moral growth is a result of strict social etiquettes and rigid class structure. However, Heckerling has taken similar ideas that speak powerfully about human nature to the different context of 20th century America, within the world of Clueless where a much fluid social structure is orientated around popularity and superficial materialism. We will write a custom essay sample on Emma and Clueless- Text and Context or any similar topic only for you Order Now While both texts are able to mirror the values and beliefs of its time, they convey similar ideas which are universal and relate to any context. The importance of personal growth is an element of humanity which transcends time, and can resonate through any context. Emma lacks life’s experiences, with â€Å"little to vex her†whilst doing â€Å"just what she liked†. Her flawed and spoiled character is overshadowed by her â€Å"mutual attachment†to her â€Å"mild†tempered governess further exemplified through the authorial intrusion that she â€Å"had rather too much her own way†. In contrast, Mr Knightley treats others with respect despite their social standing, acting as a moral voice in the novel when he says that Miss Bates deserves â€Å"compassion†, not â€Å"ridicule†when Emma insulted her as being â€Å"dull†at the Box Hill picnic. He scolds Emma that â€Å"it was badly done! †acting as compass to the realisation of her wrongs and â€Å"cruel†behaviour which â€Å"exposed herself to ill opinion†, indicating the strict social etiquettes of her time. Finally, â€Å"she acknowledged the whole truth†which metaphorically â€Å"darted through her, with the speed of an arrow†that she was in love, consequently leading to her realisation that she had been â€Å"inconsiderate†, â€Å"indelicate†, and â€Å"irrational†towards others, and how with â€Å"insufferable vanity she had believed herself in the secret of every body’s feelings†. This marks a major turning point in Emma’s moral growth, which is later rewarded through marriage. Heckerling’s Clueless explores similar ideas of growth while reflecting the different context of modern America, where self realisations are consequences of personal dissatisfaction within the superficial society. Cher’s initial voiceover that she has a â€Å"way normal life†, ironically contrasts the images of her picking out clothes on the computer. Her preference of cartoon over news suggests her naivety whilst shallow indulging within her narrow world of superior wealth and popularity. To Cher’s own amusement she concludes that â€Å"(Tai’s) life will be better because of me†, leading to the â€Å"makeover†. This mirrors the personality of Emma, who also ignorantly takes matters into her own hands. However, while Emma simply failed to match make, Cher finds her own position and power being challenged when Tai becomes â€Å"the most popular girl in the school†, which Cher hyperbolically describes as â€Å"an alternate universe†. Cher questions in disbelief â€Å"I failed something I couldn’t talk my way out of? when her arrogance and confident character is challenged by reality, resulting in her self realisation, that all her friends were â€Å"really good in different ways†, signifying the overcoming of her self-centeredness, further highlighted in her willingness to help others. Her change in attitude is rewarded by a greater appreciation of life and the people around her, including Josh, whom she loves. Unl ike Emma’s self transformation, Cher’s realisation due to trivial events translates to a much shallow world in the 20th century where there is a lack of strict social etiquette. Austen reaffirms the rigid social classes which often defined one’s social standing, while satirising the pretensions of the gentility. Austen lists properties such as â€Å"handsome†, â€Å"rich†and â€Å"clever†, emphasizing Emma’s position as an aristocracy in contrast to Mr Martin is a â€Å"gross, vulgar farmer†, and therefore â€Å"remarkably plain†due to his lower social standing. Emma pretentiously refers to herself as a â€Å"fanciful, troublesome creature†, with the vain intent of receiving flattery from others, exposing Austen’s satirical purpose. Mr Elton’s disgusted tone as he declares he will â€Å"never think seriously of Miss Smith†because â€Å"everyone has their level†, In addition to his refusal to dance with Harriet highlights the rigidity within social classes. Qualities of Emma are constantly juxtaposed to Harriet, who is the natural daughter of somebody†, a euphemistic portrayal of Harriet’s lack of status and worth due to her unknown family background. The reference of Mr Westin as having been â€Å"born†into a â€Å"respectable family†illustrates importance of inherited wealth. Despite Emma’s influence over Harriet to marry higher, she ultimately marries appropriately to Mr Martin. Therefore the lack of mobility and strict rules which govern the differences between each class is not challenged by Austen. Emma’s world reflects a clear class structure that is extremely rigid. While the idea of social class within Emma is defined as strict and rigid, the casual contemporary American society based on material wealth and popularity is reflected in Clueless. An opening montage together with the popular culture background music â€Å"kids in America†depicts the freedom and fast paced lifestyle of teenagers, whose interactions imply general acceptance of all types of people. The medium shot featuring Cher’s â€Å"classic†vintage house undermines the superficial and materialistic foundation of the social structure. Furthermore the stereotypical division of social groups such as â€Å"Loadies†, â€Å"Popular boys†and â€Å"Persian mafia†based on popularity and material goods such as â€Å"BMW†again illustrates the value of materialistic goods. Unlike Emma where individuals of one social class were mostly encouraged to interact while disregarding other social classes, the social structure presented in contemporary society allows for fluidity and cultural diversity. While orphans such as Jane Fairfax and illegitimate children like Harriet were not highly regarded, Christian, a â€Å"cake boy†has no trouble blending into the microcosm of high school society and its social cliches. In addition to this, Tai, who climbs up the social ladder, highlights the highly fluid social structure. Therefore, Heckerling’s popular cultured film and Emma both explore an idea of social class, yet boundaries between different social classes depend on values of the time and context. While ideas about the human condition are similar and relevant to any society, their expression is greatly influenced by beliefs and values of its context. Austen’s Emma features a society with strict social etiquettes, from which Emma learns and morally matures. Heckerling takes the idea of self growth and interprets it through a different context, where the lives of teenagers are rather shallow and revolve around trivial things. While the 19th century English society of Emma is governed by social classes which are distinct and rigid, Clueless features the fluid society classed by popularity and materialistic wealth. Overall both texts clearly reflect the context of its time. How to cite Emma and Clueless- Text and Context, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Volunteering Essay Example For Students
Volunteering Essay As Henry the 8th said to one of his wives, I wont keep you long. Good evening, members and guests of the Lions Club. The average American high school student is in school 7 hours a day, from 8AM to 3PM and is asleep 9 hours a day, from 10PM to 7AM. Over the years, I have noticed that San Mateo County high school students are not your average American high school students. Most of us are at school from sunrise to sunset, club meeting here, track meet there, mom! Ill be home for dinner by six! Thats 10 hours a day at school! Thank God Im graduating soon. And 9 hours of sleep a day? Who sleeps 9 hours a day? I know I dont, Ill be lucky to get 6. And now theyre asking us to do community service? On weekends? Over the years, interest in community service has slowly declined. People are hesitant to give their time and are more likely to point fingers and say, community service? Thats their job. Whose job? Some will say that community service is the governments responsibility. They have the funds and the manpower. However, we see that the government is slowly abandoning the countrys needy by such actions as welfare reform. In 1996, the states were allowed to cut welfare benefits to those who need them most. Professor Coffin at Harvard University, believes that governments are not good at creating a fabric of care in communities anyway, and that THAT should be where the churches come in. And by some estimates, churches spend a total of $12 billion dollars a year on services for the needy. That number however, does not include the volunteers and their countless hours of service. Yet, community service is still declining. Why? Some say its because the kids arent helping out. Kids these days dont care about their community. Schools have to make community service a requirement to be able to graduate. Todays youth should be responsible for community service. They have the energy and the enthusiasm, they have the time, and if anything, theyll serve the community that theyll grow up in, and maybe even their children will grow up in. Or maybe community service should be the responsibility of the citizens who cannot abide by the law of the land. The citizen who jeopardizes the safety of the community should be obligated to give back to the community what he or she has taken from it. The average number of community service hours ordered for an offense between 1997 and 1998 was 100 hours. Negligent driving was punished by 150 hours of community service, arson 175, and robbery 200 hours. So if you think about it, if a person was driving drunk, decided to rob a store, then got scared and set the store on fire, they would be serving the community 525 hours. Can you imagine? What a citizen! 525 hours of community service! Now thats admirable, community service must be their responsibility. President Clinton said in him memorandum to the executive departments and agencies that, community service is a great American tradition and a profound expression of the civic values that bind us together as a Nation. So whose responsibility is community service really? Its mine, its yours, its even the lovely lady in the blues responsibility. Those who prosper, use, or simply even live and are safe in our community are obligated to a certain degree to give back to the community. The people who work in San Mateo Countys businesses can give a small donation to their local Park and Recreation Department, for better uniforms and more equipment. High school students who have reaped the benefits of San Mateo Countys excellent public education can help a nearby elementary schoolteacher correct papers. Children who have a safe place to play can pick up a candy wrapper on the ground here and there. Even the elderly, who finally get to enjoy the beauty and environment of our community, can simply smile at someone who looked like they had a bad day. Sadly, most people these days dont have enough time to volunteer. .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e , .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e .postImageUrl , .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e , .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e:hover , .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e:visited , .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e:active { border:0!important; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e:active , .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u707897aaa4bbaba5c212a968969d8b4e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Lord of The Flies: The Evil ; Primitivism in Man Essay They complain about everyone being so competitive and never reaching out a helping hand. Then they get .
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